Mar 29, 2019
More than 10 years after the financial crisis, the US market cycle is at the top. The problem is, what goes up must come down. How can you start preparing for the storm? What can you do to protect yourself from losing money, and actually gain money instead? On this episode, I explain how using your 401k for investments...
Mar 21, 2019
Traditionally, we’re never really taught how money works and how we can transform earning into building wealth. How can we get a better understanding of the principles of money in investing? Why is it so important for us to be willing to teach people no matter what level of knowledge we’re at? What’s the value of...
Mar 14, 2019
Any successful real estate investor will tell you that they’ve
had their fair share of failures. It’s an inevitable part of the
journey. How did my guest get back on his feet after his investing
business crashed? What are some of the necessary actions and
decisions that will help you bounce back from failure?
Mar 8, 2019
Getting money isn’t the only hurdle new investors face. Sometimes the most difficult challenges are a lack of family support and finding people we can trust. What are some of the things we can expect when we try to get money from family? Why is it so difficult to find the right partners? How can we keep...